NEWS UPDATE! We are ready to certify the following products : *Ceramic / Granite Tiles *Gypsum Board *Cement Board *Paint & Coating *Sanitary Products (Closet) *Polymer Pipes (PVC, HDPE & PPR) *Light Steel *Rolled Steel *Portland Cement *Instant Mortar *Biodegradable Plastic & Bioplastic Films *Glass *Aluminium *Light Brick *Brick with Recycle Material and *Food Canning *Paving Block *Essential Oil *Adhesif and Sealant*corrugated bitumen roof*Poly Carbonate*Carbon Steel*Concrete Roof*rPET*Air Conditioner*Elevator*Eskalator

Frequently Asked Question About of Green Product Council Indonesia

General Information About GPC Indonesia

How do I define a Green Product?

GPC Indonesia defines a Green Product as a product which during its life cycle from the time it is taken from the source of the raw material until its expiration date does not have a negative impact on the environment.

Does GPC Indonesia certify the company or product?

GPC Indonesia only certifies products. GPC Indonesia does not certify companies that produce these products.

What is meant by "Trademark Name" and "Model"?

The Trademark Name refers to the different name given to identify the product that you acknowledge under GPC Indonesia. Model refers to the code that you assign to certain product types that you certify under GPC Indonesia.

Does GPC Indonesia test the product?

No, we did not test the product. We only accept test reports from accredited third party test laboratories.

Does GPC Indonesia's Green Label declare my product green?

To certify a product as a Green Product, the product must meet ALL requirements for the specified product category. GPC Indonesia does not certify products based solely on energy efficiency or any other single environmental benefit. Overall aspects which include material composition, manufacturing process, health impacts, and product disposal are very important considerations to achieve the Green Product level.

Am I require to have GPC Indonesia’s Green Label in Indonesia?

No, GPC Indonesia's Green Label is voluntary. However, GPC Indonesia's Green Label is currently a great product marketing tool. In addition, there are currently many development projects that will require certified Green Products.

I have obtained the Green Label from abroad, can it be used to certify my product under GPC Indonesia?

No, GPC Indonesia does not recognize ecolabels from other countries. However, you can send the test documents used at other ecolabeling institutions for assessment to GPC Indonesia.

How to check if a product is certified under GPC Indonesia’s Green Label?

All products can be found on the GPC Indonesia website. You can search for the brand name or product model. The name of the company that certifies the product will also be listed in the product directory.

Certification Application Procedure

I want to apply for GPC Indonesia certification, but my product doesn't seem to fall into the GPC Indonesia product category listed on the website

You can contact the GPC Indonesia secretariat. We will notify you of the appropriate product category after carrying out a detailed assessment of your product.

Is it necessary to fill in the brand name, description and model in the application form?

The brand name, description and model are required to facilitate processing of your application.

My product seems to fit into two or more of the GPCI product categories. Which category should I join?

Please contact the GPC Indonesia secretariat. We will evaluate your product and tell you which category is best for you.

How can I apply for GPC Indonesia’s Green Label certification?

The application form for GPC Indonesia’s Green Label certification can be filled in directly from our website. Please read the instructions before filling the form. Fill in the required information then submit it to us. Don’t forget to print the form and complete the required documents when completing the documents.

How long does the certification process take?

The normal process takes about 4-5 weeks from when GPCI receives the submission form accompanied by complete supporting documents.

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